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Monday, July 30, 2007


It seems that Mama was not able to escape unscathed from our bout with yuckiness from last week. Thankfully, I didn't have the full-on violent tummy revolt that D suffered from, but I did spend most of Saturday and all day Sunday feeling like I had been hit by a Mack truck and then injected with some sort of sedative that caused any sort of attempt at movement to equal the effort of lifting bags of wet cement. Thank you LORD The Coach was home to take care of me and D!

I feel better today, notwithstanding some residual weakness . . .

Anyway, I am not posting a Menu Plan this week because hubs has some unexpected (though much appreciated) time off and is planning GrillFest '07 to celebrate his last days of freedom before the madness of The Season starts (players report on Sunday!!). I don't know what his plans are, I just know that I don't have to heat up the house with the oven, and I am all. about. that.

From last week's menu, both Keara and I thought Rachel Ray's Tex Mex Red Beans and Rice was so yummy. I am a bit puzzled as to why she decided this recipe is Tex Mex . . . but The Coach and I added some mesquite barbeque sauce to jazz ours up and that did give it a decidedly Tex flavor. Also, the Corn Bread Salad turned out to be pretty darn good. I used the entire pan of corn bread and it made for a quite the meal.

Two more things -

1) Don't forget tomorrow is the Meals Make Memories writing festival over at FriedOkra! I am so looking forward to all these food-inspired stories!

2) I wanted to send hearty congratulations to my friend Noah on the arrival of Lorinc Arpad!! Noah delivered her 10 lb, 10 oz baby boy at home! If you have minute, you can read her inspiring story of his birth here.

Things look to be pretty busy in the SortaCrunchy house this week, particularly with The Coach being home. Posting, reading, and commenting may have to take a backseat to all of our offline adventures (which, if the weather cooperates, will include a trip to the San Antonio zoo with my friend Amanda and her sweet kiddos!), but hopefully next week will find me back in my happy blogging groove . . .