Blessed are the flexible . . .
It's funny. All along on this journey of Mommyhood, I find I am constantly reminded of how much I only think I have things under control, when the reality is that much of the time I just need to follow Dacey's lead.
I still struggle against my need-to-schedule tendencies. Dace and I both do better with routine and order, but there are days and times when I need to be reminded that I am a Mommy, not a camp counselor with a clipboard and a whistle. If we get off schedule a bit, life goes on. This morning, D fell asleep on the way home for the grocery store. No amount of tickling and talking could rouse her, so I felt a bit panicked that it was a good hour and a half before her scheduled nap time. I laid her down on the couch to snooze while I banged around in the kitchen putting groceries away. I thought surely, surely my daughter who "has" to have a completely darkened room with a fan providing white noise to be able to sleep would wake up in the living room which was not only noisy, but also gorgeously lit up with some much coveted mid-winter sunshine.
But the sandman's spell can be hard to break.